About the organisation
Autism CRC is your go-to source for everything autism, from the early days to the golden years and across the whole spectrum. Back in 2013, they kicked off the world’s first-ever national effort to focus on autism research in Australia under the government’s Cooperative Research Centres Program. They have an incredible goal of making a real difference by being a collaborative link between the autism community, evidence-based outcomes, service providers and other supporting organisations.

The need
Diagnosing autism can be pretty tricky, relying a lot on the expertise of clinicians. That’s why the “National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Australia” came into play, helping professionals nail down the process. We teamed up with the Telethon Kids Institute, Autism CRC, and The University of Western Australia on a cool project. Together, we created seven top-notch micro-credential courses. And guess what? These can even count towards a Graduate Certificate in Autism Diagnosis at The University of Western Australia.
The learning solution
Teaming up with the folks at Telethon Kids Institute, we turned essential info into engaging online courses that learners actually want to dive into. We jazzed things up with custom graphics tailored to the brand, making sure everything looked sharp and consistent. Plus, our weekly catch-ups between us and Autism CRC made sure we were all on the same page, leading to a super smooth experience and top-quality content across all seven micro-credentials.

The outcome
Autism CRC and their stakeholders gave us some very positive feedback, and as soon as the course went live, sign-ups through the University of Western Australia started rolling in!
The team

Claire: Senior Instructional Designer

Lara: Senior Instructional Designer