Case Study: Multicultural NSW

About the organisation


We teamed up with Multicultural NSW, a vibrant organization championing cultural diversity and social cohesion in NSW, one of the world’s most diverse states. They offer interpreting services, fund diverse initiatives, and organize events that celebrate this diversity. With a vision for an inclusive and connected multicultural society, they leverage NSW’s rich culture to enhance social harmony, economic growth, and innovation. By recognizing diversity as a strength, they aim to ensure everyone in NSW can fully participate in and enrich the community.

The need


We’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with Multicultural NSW on various projects, focusing on enhancing the skills of their team and other government workers throughout NSW.


The learning solution


Induction for New Translators and Interpreters: We developed a comprehensive online induction for newcomers in the translating and interpreting field, alongside a specific module dedicated to guiding them through the nuances and guidelines of working within NSW courts.


Corporate Induction: We designed a detailed online corporate induction for everyone joining the Multicultural NSW family. This course includes everything from an introduction to the organization’s values and expected behaviours to performance and development plans. To complement the online learning, we provided a self-directed workbook for new employees and a guide for their managers to ensure a smooth start.


Support for Newly Arrived Refugees in the Workplace: We created an online module equipped with downloadable tools to help managers effectively support newly arrived refugees integrating into their teams. This resource is crafted to aid managers in recognizing the potential challenges these new starters might face, planning their integration, and offering the right support at every step.


These tailored projects demonstrate our commitment to delivering personalized, impactful learning solutions that address the unique needs of our clients and their diverse teams.

The duration


We had an ongoing project relationship over several years


The team

Claire: Senior Instructional Designer

Tarsh: Senior Instructional Designer