



Case Study: Mineral Technologies




Project duration

8 weeks

Delivery methods

Digital resources to design blended learning (eLearning & face-to-face)


Creating a learning hub that serves both Mineral Tech staff and the wider mineral processing industry, supported by a comprehensive learning strategy with standardised templates for efficient, effective, and consistent learning design.


Rise 360

Microsoft Office




Learning strategies

Job aids and quick reference guides



Learning strategy document

SharePoint style guide

Learning templates

Brand logo and illustrations

About the organisation

Mineral Technologies, a Downer Group Company, is a global leader in providing innovative and cost-efficient mineral processing solutions. They specialise in the design, build, and delivery of equipment, processes, and designs for mineral processing solutions. 

The need


When Mineral Technologies first engaged with us, they were planning the opening a learning hub / university that will offer learning and development to Mineral Tech staff as well as to the wider mineral processing industry. In planning stages for this, they expressed a need for a wholistic and human centred learning strategy to define how learning is approached, including the development of an entirely new brand and templates that would define the initiative moving forward.  

Specific Needs: 

  • Capture and preserve institutional knowledge. 
  • Enhance skills and capabilities across the organization. 
  • Improve knowledge capture practices and learning culture. 
  • Facilitate effective knowledge sharing globally within the mineral sands industry. 


The learning solution


The solution for MTU was the provision of a comprehensive, multi-faceted learning strategy designed to enhance knowledge capture, capability development, and overall learning culture within Mineral Technologies, as well as the development of a new brand – MTU, that would define the university well into the future and a full suite of learning templates. 


This strategy and new brand, as well as all the developed resources was laid out in a SharePoint page that teaches all staff who create learning at MTU a process and methodology to follow as linking them directly to the learning templates that reflect the methodology. 

This structured and human-centered approach has resulted in a high-quality, engaging beginnings of learning culture that will meet the diverse needs of MTU’s workforce and supports the organisation’s strategic objectives well into the future. 

The outcome

This has resulted in a starting place to set MTU up for great success into the future. Their learning approach can now be unified, engaging, consistent and on-brand with the new MTU branding that oozes human centred learning, collaboration and design. 


The team

Bec: Lead Learning Designer

Daniel: Learning Design Support

Michael: Project Manager