
Safety (WHS and OHS)

Lorem Ipsum

Safety training that actually sticks. We turn mind-numbing protocols into real-world learning experiences that keep your people switched on, alert, and engaged. With deep experience in high-stakes environments, we don’t just teach safety—we embed it into culture, making awareness second nature.

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  • Mater Health – Conversion and update of over 20 eLearning courses on a range of subjects including WHS initiatives and practice
  • Metro Trains – Blended learning on WHS essentials and various inductions 
  • ARTC and Inland Rail – Online Induction and WHS essentials 
  • eCompliance Training – Online WHS fundamentals
  • Horizon Power – eLearning of various site inductions 
  • Essential Energy – WHS including Psychosocial safety eLearning
  • Metropolitan Memorial Parks – WHS framework and learning campaign
  • Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM) – Blended learning on safe track working levels 1 to 5
  • SMCT Logistics – Online safety essentials 
  • Southern Metropolitan Cemetery Trust (SMCT) – Multiple blended and eLearning WHS project
  • Metro Trains Sydney (MTS) – Various online and blended WHS and safety courses (Learn more.)
  • Total Fire Services – Online Fire Safety 
  • Multicultural NSW – Online Induction and manager toolkits 
  • Transalta – Face-to-face and online power generation training with WHS focus 
  • BlueTongue – Blended Rail signalling safety 
  • South32, a BHP company – Face-to-face safety and leadership workshops (Learn more.)
  • Sentis – Organisational wide WHS cultural leadership and management via blended learning (Learn more.)
  • Insurance Commission of Western Australia – WHS induction via blended learning 
  • Omada Rail – Blended learning rail signalling safety 
  • Department of Justice – Blended learning programs including Induction and WHS
  • evel Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) – Various construction and signalling programs delivered online and via blended models 
  • Fast Labour Hire – Online WHS inductions
  • Link Ports – Multiple online WHS programs on variety of topics
  • PetSure – Safety and risk online programs
  • Worley Parsons – Marine Monitoring Safety online program
  • Wilson Parking – Online WHS systems training 
  • TAFE NSW – Blended learning project on various units of competency with WHS focus 
  • Lochard Energy – Online Gas plant
  • WHS induction
    Seqwater – Online WHS safety program 
  • TCP Training – Drug and alcohol awareness; Silica awareness; Asbestos awareness; Manual handling
  • Myhome – Managing Challenging Situations
  • StateCover Mutual Limited (SC) – Bullying Prevention & Management; Return to Work Coordinator
  • Nationwide Towing – Learning needs analysis and training architecture with the outputs of increased safety and service whilst meeting AQTF standards
  • Energy Australia – WHS eLearning and campaign
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Client Testimonials


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Case Study: Community Housing (CHIA Vic)

Discover how we enhanced CHIA Vic's training development by providing tools and expertise for more engaging, impactful learning experiences.

Case Study: MLC Life Insurance

Explore our collaboration with MLC Life Insurance helped shift their leaders towards a new mindset to guide their team to success.

Case Study: YDAN

Discover about our story with YDAN and how we helped them break the barrier in learning about young people with disability.
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+++ let's work together +++ let's work together +++ let's work together +++ let's work together +++ let's work together +++ let's work together +++ let's work together +++ let's work together +++ let's work together +++ let's work together +++ let's work together +++ let's work together +++ let's work together